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Privacy Policy

1. Name of business operator handling personal information protection manager

Manabu Inaba, Representative Director, LIFE LINE Co., Ltd.

2. Basic policy

When the customer provides personal information, the company will clearly indicate the purpose of use of the personal information in advance and use within the scope of the purpose of use. If it becomes necessary to use your personal information beyond the scope of the purpose of use specified in advance, we will inform you of that and use it with your consent. The purpose of using personal information held by our company is as follows.

1. Personal information about the customer

  1. Business talks, meetings, etc. with customers
  2. Shipment of products and materials
  3. Send information about services, events, etc.
  4. Providing customer support and maintenance
  5. Response to inquiries and consultations
  6. Provision of various membership services
  7. Service development, questionnaire surveys, monitoring, etc.
  8. Fulfillment of contract

2. Personal information about applicants for employment

  • Providing and contacting applicants (including internships) with employment information, etc.
  • Recruitment management at our company

4. Proper acquisition of personal information

We acquire personal information by legal and fair means.

5. Provision of personal information

1. We will not disclose or provide your personal information to a third party except in the following cases.

  1. With your consent
  2. When required by law
  3. When it is necessary to protect human life, body or property, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent
  4. When entrusting the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  5. In case of business succession due to merger, company split, business transfer or other reasons

2. Regardless of the above (1), if it is determined that it is appropriate for our affiliated company or agency to respond to the provision of services to customers, the response to inquiries, etc., We may provide your address, name, telephone number, etc. to the relevant affiliated company. In this case, the customer can request us to stop providing personal information to the affiliated companies.

Inquiries regarding personal information

For inquiries regarding disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of your personal information, please contact us from the inquiry form.

7. Other matters

1. About access information

  • This site may collect access log information in order to provide better service. Please understand in advance. The acquisition of access logs is not intended to identify your personal information.

2. About cookies

  • This site uses cookies in some parts of the site so that you can use it more comfortably. Cookies and IP address information are not considered as personal information because they cannot identify a specific individual by themselves. You can reject the cookie information by setting your browser.

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